Climate Hoax Conspiracy exposed



  • Bill_Coley
    Bill_Coley Posts: 2,675

    @Wolfgang posted:

    here are a few websites with info concerning sea levels and what some folks interpret

    My only request was and continues to be for the site from which you harvested the 4mm in the last five years sea rise number that you included in one of your previous posts. It is not surprising that climate change deniers publish their non-peer reviewed views on websites. But in the professional scientific community, credence to analysis and hypotheses is not given away; it's earned.

    None of the articles to which you linked includes the 4mm number, and none, as far as I can tell, has been peer-reviewed. Because I have no interest in reviewing what are probably thousands or tens of thousands of such non-professional website contributions, I say only that the VAST, VAST, VAST majority of people in the professional science community agree that climate change is real and that human activity is among its principal causes. You and the websites you read are of course welcome to disagree, but the world writ large is going to move on without you because we must take action.

    Also, the general truth concerning the matter does not depend on 4mm in 5 years, 4mm in one year, etc ... just as it really doesn't matter whether there 250 ants underneath the wall of our house or 3000

    For my purposes, the "general truth" concerning YOUR claim of a 4mm in five years global sea level rise DOES depend on whether your claim is true. Does it really matter? It mattered enough for you to include the claim in your post, so it seems to me that it should matter enough to you to back it up... or acknowledge that it's not true.

    There's one other reason I'm making a deal out of this, Wolfgang. I have made no secret of my belief that when addressing matters of politics, public policy, foreign relations, and other issues, you make assertions of fact that are flatly untrue (see our recent exchange on the 9/11 attacks). As a rule and as a matter of principle, I am VERY protective of objective truth. If you assert something as true that I don't think is true, I'm going to call you on it, and ask that you back it up. The old political adage in this country is true in this circumstance: We're all entitled to our own opinions, but not to our own facts. Your claim about a 4mm sea level rise in five years is not a fact; in fact, it's objectively false. It seems to me we should be able to agree on that, even if we strongly disagree on the larger issue of climate change.

  • reformed
    reformed Posts: 3,176

    Climate Change Activists = Chicken Little The Sky Is Falling!

  • Here is a very current article about Greta Thunberg and some of her personal situation, as well as information regarding CO2 and its real relevance for the climate

    The whole climate disaster catastrophie propaganda hype by Greta Thunberg is most likely rooted in her own schizophrenic world in which she lives. That girl has - and has had - severe problems form earlier childhood onward, not apparently the parents are a big part in the terrible situation.

    Maybe Google translator can help give you a somewhat usable translation ....

  • Excerpt from the above mentioned article ... in rather simple and plain words:

    Those who claim that one changes the climate by not eating meat and paying higher taxtes (e.g. CO2 tax, etc) are living in a delusion and mistaken belief system as did the Maya who sacrificed humans because they believed that they could therewith change the climate

    At the time there was a great drought in Mexico which they thought to stop with human sacrifices ... and there were no combustion engines and no industry in existence then. The climate changes all the time because of natural causes over which we have no influence.

  • Something recently published by more than 500 scientists which was sent to UNO general secretary .... I hope you enjoy reading it

    Some info on the scientists who signed the paper

  • Conspiracy in Montana .... or maybe not? Some pictures from 28-29 September (that's just a few days ago)

    Global warming religion has conspired against who?

    Some weather experts mentioned that there had not been such an early start of winter in 40+ years ... perhaps it was overall too cold and only now it happened due to more cars emitting CO2 in Montana and other areas in the Northwest ??

  • Anyone interested can have a look at the following graph showing some interesting information and the huge discrepancy between reality and what is being politically (IPCC is a political institution) propagated ...

    Those interested in data actually measured rather than in climate hysterical propaganda may want to watch the following presentation by Prof. Ewert on YouTube (

    unfortunately for those who do not speak German, the presentation would require a translation.

  • Anyone still promoting campaign of man made climate change and CO2 hysterics? Have a look at what is already happening to people buying into the kinds of stupidity lcimate change talk

  • Bill_Coley
    Bill_Coley Posts: 2,675

    @Wolfgang posted:

    Anyone still promoting campaign of man made climate change and CO2 hysterics? Have a look at what is already happening to people buying into the kinds of stupidity lcimate change talk

    The woman in the video to which you linked, Wolfgang, is widely believed to have been suffering from some form of mental health issue. That you would leverage her obvious distress for personal partisan political gain in forums set aside for followers of Jesus is itself distressing.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2019

    Some like facts .... here are a few generally accepted and fairly widely published facts:

    0.038 % of the air in earth atmosphere. This amount is more or less equally distributed, and not found as a one "dense layer" like "a glass roof" or "cooking pot top".

    Of these 0.038% it is estimated that 96 % are produced by natural processes and only 4% are produced artificially by humans. 4 % of 0,038 % amount to 0,00152 %.

    Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill (or as the German saying goes "turning a mosquito into an elephant") ... and yet, folks applaud such climate hoax nonsense ideology.

    Did you know that former president Obama recently bought a large villa property right on the sea shore ... when he had "prophesied" about 10 years ago that by now the sea level would have risen already to a level where most of that property should alreaady be under water?

    Why is it that folks do not realize that the climate hoaxers are preaching water and are drinking wine? Seems like many are looking at their talk but never look at their deeds (which are blatantly contrary to what they preach)????

    By the way, the above contains no "conspiracy theory talk", just a few facts and some simple plain logical reasonably thinking 😉

  • Bill_Coley
    Bill_Coley Posts: 2,675

    @Wolfgang posted:

    0.038 % of the air in earth atmosphere. This amount is more or less equally distributed, and not found as a one "dense layer" like "a glass roof" or "cooking pot top".

    In acknowledging that CO2 is "more or less equally distributed" in the atmosphere, Wolfgang, you ALSO acknowledge that CO2 is in fact a "layer," which is the "fact" that matters. As you know from your study of the "generally accepted and fairly widely published facts" of science, due to the properties of the gas, the CO2 layer doesn't HAVE to be "dense" in order to trap the sun's energy. The process of CO2's absorption and re-radiation of energy is described well HERE.

    Of these 0.038% it is estimated that 96 % are produced by natural processes and only 4% are produced artificially by humans. 4 % of 0,038 % amount to 0,00152 %.

    Imagine a tank that's 100% filled with water to its 100 gallon capacity - NOT spilling over onto the floor, but neither capable of handling ANY additional liquid. Now into that filled tank introduce three fluid ounces of milk. What happens? About three ounces of liquid spills onto the floor below the tank. Milk is just 0.023% of the volume in the tank and yet it causes an overflow onto the floor. Why? Because the tank was at its capacity before the milk's introduction. What happens to humanity-produced CO2 is analogous.

    As I explained in THIS POST - a post to whose content you chose not to respond, by the way - the issue with CO2 that is the result of human activity is NOT its absolute volume, nor the percentage of the atmosphere's total volume it occupies, but rather that it adds to the total amount of CO2 in the atmosphere that is beyond the capacity the earth's natural "sinks" (oceans, plants, trees, etc) to process. As a result, total CO2 in the earth's atmosphere rises, and has been rising at an alarming rate (see graph below of CO2 levels over the last 45 years, taken from THIS SITE). As the total amount of CO2 rises, so do its "greenhouse" effects.

    For additional context, here's a graph of CO2 levels over the last 1,200 years. Note the steep rate of increase in the last 200 years. What has changed in the last 200 years to explain such a rate change other than a dramatic rise in CO2-producing human activity?

    Did you know that former president Obama recently bought a large villa property right on the sea shore ... when he had "prophesied" about 10 years ago that by now the sea level would have risen already to a level where most of that property should alreaady be under water?

    I can't find a news report that demonstrates President Obama's "prophecy" from ten or so years ago that sea front properties such as the one he and Michelle are buying would "already be under water" by now. Please provide a link.

    Why is it that folks do not realize that the climate hoaxers are preaching water and are drinking wine? Seems like many are looking at their talk but never look at their deeds (which are blatantly contrary to what they preach)????

    By this critique, do you ALSO mean to condemn Donald Trump as one who is "preaching wine but drinking water"? I refer, as you might know, to his company's 2016 zoning application in Ireland to build a seawall around one of his golf courses, declaring in an appendix to the application that "(p)redicted sea level rise and more frequent storm events will increase the rate of erosion throughout the 21st century"?

    By the way, the above contains no "conspiracy theory talk", just a few facts and some simple plain logical reasonably thinking

    Your post indeed includes some "facts." I think this post has shown, however, that your post does not include enough facts.

  • In acknowledging that CO2 is "more or less equally distributed" in the atmosphere, Wolfgang, you ALSO acknowledge that CO2 is in fact a "layer," which is the "fact" that matters.

    ??? I wonder if I should take an English 101 course ...

    The rather simple point is, there is NO dense layer of CO2 somewhere up in the atmosphere -- similar to a glass roof in a greenhouse -- causing a greenhouse effect on the ground.

    Actually, I observed an interesting fact first hand over the last few days .... while there was a dense layer clouds the temperature on the ground went down at night from about 18°C to about 8°C. Then, as there was no overcast cloud layer but rather clear skies with air the temperatures went down to 4°C at night and it took a little longer the next morning to get back up to about 16°C. What caused the rather big difference? Obviously the CO2 content in the air had NOTHING to do with it as it was constant each day.

    As you know from your study of the "generally accepted and fairly widely published facts" of science, due to the properties of the gas, the CO2 layer doesn't HAVE to be "dense" in order to trap the sun's energy.

    My study tells me that "the human made climate change" information I am currently being flooded with has little to do with serious science and is mostly ideology ("climate religion") propaganda.

    We are dealing with ideology and not science in the matter of "climate change" (formerly known as "global warming", but changed to climate "change" because the temperature rise prophecies for the last 10-20 years haven't come to pass) .... The pseudo scientific talk is kept up as propaganda means in order to push quite different global agendas ... Also, over the last few years the emphasis changed from "temperature" talk to "CO2" (falsely claimed to be a dangerous "greenhouse gas") talk.

    Compare the big climate prophets' words and their deeds, and one can quickly recognize the Pharisees who are endeavoring to enslave the population for their greed.

  • Bill_Coley
    Bill_Coley Posts: 2,675

    @Wolfgang posted:

    ??? I wonder if I should take an English 101 course ...

    I sometimes think all English speakers - whether native or non-native - could use an English 101 course.

    The rather simple point is, there is NO dense layer of CO2 somewhere up in the atmosphere -- similar to a glass roof in a greenhouse -- causing a greenhouse effect on the ground.

    In my previous post, I erred when I employed the term "layer" which you had employed in the term "'dense layer'" in the post to which I responded. CO2 doesn't form a "layer" in the atmosphere at all if by "layer" we mean a sheet of some thickness consisting of nothing other than CO2. Instead CO2 is mixed and distributed basically evenly among many other gases in the troposphere.

    The effect of C02, however, is the same as a "layer" or a "greenhouse" because CO2 absorbs heat (does not allow it to pass through) and re-radiates it back to the earth. If you dispute the science of that claim about CO2's heat absorption and re-radiation properties, Wolfgang, please provide a link to the science that supports your disagreement.

    My study tells me that "the human made climate change" information I am currently being flooded with has little to do with serious science and is mostly ideology ("climate religion") propaganda.

    We've long known that this is a view - albeit baseless - from which you will not and cannot be dissuaded.

    We are dealing with ideology and not science in the matter of "climate change" (formerly known as "global warming", but changed to climate "change" because the temperature rise prophecies for the last 10-20 years haven't come to pass)

    Which specific "temperature rise prophecies" do you allege "haven't come to pass"? Taken from THIS NOAA SITE, these facts speak to a planet that's clearly warming over time:

    • Based on NOAA data, the 2018 average global temperature across land and ocean surface areas was 0.79°C (1.42°F) above the twentieth-century average of 13.9°C (57.0°F), making it the fourth-warmest year on record. 
    • Global temperature hasn't been cooler than the twentieth-century average since 1976. 
    • Since the start of the twenty-first century, the annual global temperature record has been broken five times.
    • Nine out of 10 of the warmest years on record have occurred since 2005.
    • From 1900 to 1980 a new temperature record was set on average every 13.5 years; since 1981, it has increased to every 3 years.

    The pseudo scientific talk is kept up as propaganda means in order to push quite different global agendas

    Another baseless claim.

    Also, over the last few years the emphasis changed from "temperature" talk to "CO2" (falsely claimed to be a dangerous "greenhouse gas") talk.

    Note the information in the bullet points from NOAA that I included above. They're all about "temperature."

    CO2 is "dangerous" because of its scientific property of being able to absorb heat. Again, if you claim CO2 does not absorb and re-radiate heat, please provide a link to the supporting science.

    And I ask you again for a link to support for your claim that President Obama "prophesied" ten or so years ago that sea front properties such as the one he and Michelle are buying would "already be under water" by now.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2019

    And I ask you again for a link to support for your claim that President Obama "prophesied" ten or so years ago that sea front properties such as the one he and Michelle are buying would "already be under water" by now.

    In his speech in 2009 at the UN he claimed that "rising sea levels threaten every coast line" ..... ha ha ... just not that piece of coast line he bought.

    Stupid propaganda talk of empty words ... as I said, install fear and preach water, but drink wine. No coast line has been threatened anywhere or been even closely affected by rising sea levels over the last 10 years since his prediction. The Obamas obviously don't believe what they preach ... instead thy buy a piece of threatened coastline.

  • Bill_Coley
    Bill_Coley Posts: 2,675

    @Wolfgang posted:

    In his speech in 2009 at the UN he claimed that "rising sea levels threaten every coast line" ..... ha ha ... just not that piece of coast line he bought.

    In his 2009 UN speech, President Obama did in fact claim that "rising sea levels threaten every coast line." But that's NOT what you previously claimed he said. YOUR claim was that he "'prophesied' about 10 years ago that by now the sea level would have risen already to a level where most of that property should alreaady [sic] be under water." At least in the video clip to which you provided a link, he made no such prediction. He claimed rising sea levels threaten all coastlines - and that's a scientifically accepted fact (talk to the folks in Miami, Florida, whose circumstances are reported on HERE and HERE). But Mr. Obama did NOT "prophecy" that properties such as the one he and his wife are buying would be underwater by now... unless you have other evidence that he did.

    And I repeat my request for the specific "temperature rise prophecies" you allege "haven't come to pass." 

  • In this case, I really do't care about predict, prophesy or whatever .... if he believed that all coast line were threatened, he would not buy a property right on the coast line .... got it ??

    Well, seems that Obama's claim of coast lines being threatened by rising sea levels was based on the talk about temperatures rising to the point of melting polar ice caps, etc ... or why else would coast lines be threatened from rising sea levels??

    Has such scenario (as popularly propagated in Al Gore promoted movie) happened? NO! Nothing even remotely to be considered as what was publicized has happened ... sea levels are essentially where they were 20 years ago -- a few mm that can't even be measured (!) -- can be ignored.

    The problem here is that the premise that the climate change / global warming / etc is a terrible threat has nothing really to do with honest and serious science ... but rather with many scientists licking the political hands that feed them and giving the matter "a pseudo scientific" appearance.

    The matter is one of ideology / religion in order to install fear and drain the pockets of the majority of people in Western societies ... at least in Germany, the true color is showing in politicians now establishing a CO2 tax !! Destruction of Germany's main industry (automobile production) is driven into ruin by climate politics with ideological fantasies and delusional limits on CO2, etc ... Prophetess Greta Thunberg (actually the powers behind her, as she is only an obviously ill teen / child being abused by her parents and their cohorts) predicts at the UN the world will be over with in less than 10 years .... well folks,, the end of the world prophets have been around for centuries with all kinds of ideas, and all have come and gone and the earth and its climate continue

  • Bill_Coley
    Bill_Coley Posts: 2,675

    @Wolfgang posted:

    In this case, I really do't care about predict, prophesy or whatever .... if he believed that all coast line were threatened, he would not buy a property right on the coast line .... got it ??

    So you asserted as fact something that was not true (that ten years ago Obama "prophesied" properties such as the one he and his wife are buying would be under water by now). When faced with the fact that your assertion is false, rather than acknowledge your mistake, you declare your lack of concern for the issue. Sounds very much like the course of our last climate change fact check, Wolfgang, in which you declared a 4mm sea level rise over the last five years. When faced with the fact that THAT assertion was false, you posted this:

    "Now, instead of harping on the 4mm in 5 years, I'd suggest to give some more common sense consideration the various loony tunes arguments made by climate change hystericals such as claim a minimal mm rise per year in sea levels and then make claims of a catastrophic nature."

    The same basic pattern: Assert a fact. Be shown it's not true. Change the subject.

    Facts matter, Wolfgang.

    Well, seems that Obama's claim of coast lines being threatened by rising sea levels was based on the talk about temperatures rising to the point of melting polar ice caps, etc ... or why else would coast lines be threatened from rising sea levels??

    One reason other than melting ice caps that sea levels are rising is that the oceans are warming, and warming water expands.

    Has such scenario (as popularly propagated in Al Gore promoted movie) happened? NO! Nothing even remotely to be considered as what was publicized has happened ... sea levels are essentially where they were 20 years ago -- a few mm that can't even be measured (!) -- can be ignored.

    As I have noted before and is noted HERE, the rate of sea level rise is increasing - doubling over the last thirty years. If global temps continue rise, so will the rate of sea level increases.

    The problem here is that the premise that the climate change / global warming / etc is a terrible threat has nothing really to do with honest and serious science ... but rather with many scientists licking the political hands that feed them and giving the matter "a pseudo scientific" appearance.

    The matter is one of ideology / religion in order to install fear and drain the pockets of the majority of people in Western societies ... at least in Germany, the true color is showing in politicians now establishing a CO2 tax !! Destruction of Germany's main industry (automobile production) is driven into ruin by climate politics with ideological fantasies and delusional limits on CO2, etc ... Prophetess Greta Thunberg (actually the powers behind her, as she is only an obviously ill teen / child being abused by her parents and their cohorts) predicts at the UN the world will be over with in less than 10 years .... well folks,, the end of the world prophets have been around for centuries with all kinds of ideas, and all have come and gone and the earth and its climate continue

    Your views, to which you're of course entitled, which in my view have no basis in fact,

  • @Wolfgang Well, seems that Obama's claim of coast lines being threatened by rising sea levels was based on the talk about temperatures rising to the point of melting polar ice caps, etc ... or why else would coast lines be threatened from rising sea levels??

    @Bill_Coley One reason other than melting ice caps that sea levels are rising is that the oceans are warming, and warming water expands.

    the point was about TEMPERATURE ....does water warming not have to do with temperature ?

    Also, the amounts water "expansds" with rising water temperatures is so little that on a global scale one still could not measure it since it would overall be insignificant. And you know what, at a certain temperature it even turns into vapor and there would be no danger any longer from rising sea water levels ...

    I would suggest to use common sense and realize that nature regulates itself rather effectively and doesn't need any human "help" by means of financing a bunch of greedy fellows who manage to convince many influential persons with their computer models (which incidentally have proven to be incorrect regularly).

  • Bill_Coley
    Bill_Coley Posts: 2,675

    @Wolfgang posted:

    the point was about TEMPERATURE ....does water warming not have to do with temperature ?

    Also, the amounts water "expansds" with rising water temperatures is so little that on a global scale one still could not measure it since it would overall be insignificant. And you know what, at a certain temperature it even turns into vapor and there would be no danger any longer from rising sea water levels ...

    Yes, expansion is a result of temperature increases. I raised it because it is distinct from the more obvious cause of rising sea levels: melting land-based ice sheets/collections. I haven't read the science behind expansion's effects on sea levels, so I can't say how much of an effect it would have. It sounds like you HAVE read the science. Please provide a link to the information upon which you base your claim of a small impact of expansion.

    All of that notwithstanding, expansion IS a cause of rising sea levels that we must acknowledge because global temperatures ARE rising. If they aren't rising, then how is it that nine of the ten warmest years on record have occurred in THIS century?

    I would suggest to use common sense and realize that nature regulates itself rather effectively and doesn't need any human "help" by means of financing a bunch of greedy fellows who manage to convince many influential persons with their computer models (which incidentally have proven to be incorrect regularly).

    My observation is that often when you recommend "common sense" you have no other basis for your claims. That seems to be the case in this instance for as I have shown previously, the amount of CO2 produced by natural and human activity has for some time been GREATER than the capacity of nature's "sinks" (oceans, plants, etc) to process it, which has and continues to result in INCREASED CO2 levels. Increased CO2 levels are a threat because they strengthen greenhouse effects (absorption and re-radiation of heat).

    Your political commentaries on the issue of climate change have yet to deal with the science of those sinks' capacity to process increasing CO2 levels, or the absorption/re-radiation characteristics of CO2. Do you deny that CO2 allows the sun's rays through to the earth, but absorbs-then-re-radiates the longer wavelength rays of the heat that rises from the earth? If you don't deny those scientific facts - and I advise you not to - then don't you HAVE to acknowledge that the earth is warming?

  • Anyone have an idea on how to measure 5mm of rise of sea level in a month's time ? Just have a look at what the sea top looks like in by far most places

  • Bill_Coley
    Bill_Coley Posts: 2,675

    @Wolfgang posted:

    Anyone still promoting campaign of man made climate change and CO2 hysterics? Have a look at what is already happening to people buying into the kinds of stupidity lcimate change talk

    It turns out that the woman who spoke of eating babies in the video from an AOC townhall meeting that you posted earlier in this thread, Wolfgang, was NOT suffering from some mental health issue as I proposed. I apologize for my error. The woman in the video, whose behavior I thought was the result of a mental health issue, and you thought was the result of her "buying into...climate change talk," was actually a plant by a pro-Trump, anti-climate change group called The Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee. At THIS LINK, you'll find links to their public claim of responsibility for the woman's antics.

    I guess being pro-Trump and anti-climate change will make you do and say crazy things. But from the posts of Trumpster climate change deniers in these threads, we already knew that, didn't we? 😛

  • Here is a little video ... in German, but with some illustrations that may be easily understandable.

    It demonstrates simple facts and shows rather clearly that the whole human made climate change via CO2 is non-sense.

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,473

    Do you feel like you can't go on?

    There are times when we have felt that today would be our last, thinking tomorrow would never come. Anxieties of Life can weigh heavy on our Mental Health. Would you believe that you can find the Answers in the Bible to WHY you feel the way you do?

    Please read the following scriptures. (2 Timothy 3:1-5) Did you notice the first verse reads, ' the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here'? This allotment of time is a Conclusion of a System of things. This time period of distress pangs is known as the Last Days. It's not the end of the world, but rather the end of wickedness that permeates the world of mankind, righteous and unrighteous alike. This time period will soon come to an end. These anxieties you feel today will evaporate and dissolve for those who become survivors of the Last Days. Notice the instruction of what to do in 2 Timothy 3:2-5? It says, '...and from these turn away.'

    The scriptures provide a roadmap for certain ones to escape the time of distress. "During that time {Jesus Christ} will stand up, the Great Prince who is standing in behalf of your people. And there will occur a time of distress such as has not occurred since there came to be a nation until that time..." But notice the ending of this verse. "And during that time your people will escape, everyone who is found written down in the book." (Daniel 12:1)

    Remember, "Bad associations spoil useful habits." (1 Corinthians 15:33) "Now, O Israel, what is Jehovah your God asking of you? Only this: to fear Jehovah your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul," (Deut 10:12) "At that time those who fear Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion, and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening. And a book of remembrance was written before him for those fearing Jehovah and for those meditating on his Name." (Malachi 3:16)

    The Bible tells us, "Jehovah is close to the brokenhearted; He saves those who are crushed in spirit." (Psalm 34:18) Also, we have a helper in the His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ whom states, "Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you." (Mat 11:28)

    Would you like to be a Survivor of the Last Days?

    Articles that may interest you:

    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1 (800) 273-8255

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

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